
While browsing the marketplace for some new plants and flowers, I ran into a store called Pandemonium. Although their products are not quite what I was looking for, they sell dark, gothic structures and prefab-sims, I got intrigued and went to have a look inworld.

It turns out this store has a whole demo-sim, completely decorated of course with their products and it is a delight to look around and take pictures. I really loved the swamp, the atmosphere and how it is set up. In the land description it says bloggers and photographers are welcome, making this ‘shop’ (the vendors are in a small store in the sky – the landingpoint- , so the demo sim has none that get in the way!) a perfect location for a dark-ish photoshoot!

Oh, and the stuff they sell is really cool, too!

Pandemonium_001 Pandemonium_002 Pandemonium_003

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