Get ‘AFK, Awaiting’ by Huckleberry Hax for free!

A great offer if you are a fan of Huckleberry Hax’ books! And if you have not read them yet…I can highly recommend his ‘AFK‘ series –  murder, suspense, love and lust;  all in Second Life! Nope..I will not spoil anything about the latest release in this series, you should read it yourself! Enjoy!


What the Huck?


I’m drawing the AFK series to a close with a fifth and final novel, AFK, Awaiting. The book has been finished for a few months, now, and I’m grateful to the feedback I’ve had since from a small number of advance readers, in particular Caitlin Tobias and Zoe Parness (Zoe very helpfully pointed out that I’d managed to spell the name of one of my key characters wrong throughout the book – this is why a writer needs fans).  I now want to reward my most loyal readers also with a free copy.

Some of you might recall my attempt at soliciting reviews last year by promising not to release this title until I’d acquired no less than 100 reviews for the fourth AFK novel, AFK, in Pursuit of Avengement.  I’m not quite done with that plan yet.  It did occur to me, however, that I might…

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