
The past few days the weather here in Holland has been more than lovely, temperatures around 20C degrees and blue skies. I have been out to town and sat on a terrace, sipping a Latte (well, okay a Latte and some wine after that…) and watching people, and enjoyed being out and about. Berry’s Meme…


Enough with the flu, the fever, the rain, the cold, the wind, the grey days….! ♥ Location: Off The Wall ♥ Scarf, top, cardigan, skirt and stockings: The Secret Store ♥ Hair: Shag Hair – Stella was a Diver – Powder ♥ Sunglasses: Leverocci (mesh) ♥ Poses, incl tulips: Olive Juice    

‘Tulips from Amsterdam’

When it’s Spring again I’ll bring again Tulips from Amsterdam With a heart thats true I’ll give to you Tulips from Amsterdam I can’t wait until the day you fill These eager arms of mine Like the windmill keeps on turning That’s how my heart keeps on yearning For the day I know we can…

Done gardening (for now!)

In real-life I do not have a garden. I have had one or two, ages ago and always like working in them. Specially in spring, getting new plants and flowers and being busy out in the fresh air. In Second Life I always enjoy keeping up with the seasons on our sim, ImperiuM Island (G),…