Romeo and Juliet

Last night I went to see the play Romeo and Juliet, performed by The Basilique Performing Arts Company, in the Playhouse on the Basilique sim.

I had no real idea on what to expect, of course I know the story, and how this was supposed to be in performed in Second Life. I can only say…..I was completely blown away! What a wonderful, original and delightful show and I have never seen anything like this in Second Life. In fact, I dare say this version of the tragic love story would do great in real life as well! I take my hat off for Harvey and Becky who did a great job, and the rest of the actors: brilliant!

It is hard to explain and even the pics I made will not do it justice, so I can only say: really people, if you have time (or make time..;p) go see one of the next shows, you will find the schedule here. You will not be disappointed!

More detailed information and background stories about  this production (including a video) you can find on Becky’s site.

(The larger versions of my pics, and more, in the Basilique Flickr group)

Romeo and Juliet - 001
Becky as Romeo
Romeo and Juliet - 002
julietford as Juliet

Romeo and Juliet - 003 Romeo and Juliet - 004

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Harvey says:

    It’s great that you got to see it Cait – it was fun to have you in the audience :)

  2. Becky says:

    Reblogged this on Songs from the Coalface and commented:
    The show starts in 15 minutes so if you’re getting this and want to see it, get busy and get online! This is Caitlin Tobias review of our little second life production, with a lot of great pics too! If you can, come and see us either now, or on one of the upcoming productions scheduled for this year.

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