Summer of ’42

Step back in time and enjoy the summer of ’42 at the Element region (created and owned) by Sixdigital and Justice Vought, this brand-new region is too good to not visit.

Summer of 42 is a coming-of-age film based on memoirs. During summer vacation on Nantucket Island in 1942, a youth eagerly awaiting his first sexual encounter finds himself developing an innocent love for a young woman awaiting news on her soldier husband’s fate in WWII. In everyone’s life, there’s a summer of 42.

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Summer of 42 is just lovely. Not too much, but definitely a lot to see and explore. From the harbour market to a mainstreet with the cinema and general store, to wide beaches with sand and grass.

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As if time came to a stop in 1942. To be honest I had the feeling I was walking in a movie set for one of those feel-good movies. And isn’t that what Second Life is about anyway, a place to make you feel good?

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If you have the time, and you do, go visit Summer of 42! Take your camera with you and do not forget to add your pictures to their Flickr Group, and most of all: enjoy!

SLurl to Summer of ’42

Flickr Group

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