Ketchup or…Watskeburt!?

You know that feeling, you go on about your life and stuff and one day it is summer and the next it’s autumn and some weeks have passed by? I’ve had a couple of those weeks lately, those weeks I had all kind of plans and before I knew it, it wasn’t Monday anymore but Friday happened! And so I didn’t blog, but surely things have happened!

So time for a little catch-up and let me tell you what has been going on in my Second Life!

I’ve been a member of SL Blogger Support inworld group since a few years, a group for SL Bloggers in which we exchange experiences, help each-other with all sort of blog-problems and whatnot. We also have a website, a Facebook page and a Plurk account.
From being a member, I went to contributing articles on the website as guest-author and eventually I became part of the Team, the lovely group of people making this group and all it’s online presence possible. Over the past year I gotten into chats with Katya Valeska, the founder of SL Blogger Support and she has expressed to me her concerns about the amount of time and energy she had, due to Real Life, when it came to the group. I have taken over some of the things she used to do, like answering questions and being a point of contact and handling the applications.

Last week Katya decided she needed to step down as owner and ‘leader’ of SL Blogger Support and she handed over the keys to me. While it may have come as a surprise to some, it wasn’t to me – Katya and I have talked about this option before.
I agreed and so Katya sent a notice and posted her formal ‘goodbye’. Not a real, final, goodbye, as she will still be active as a group-member, but she will no longer be in charge of the overall management of the group.

Diving into a new challenge!

To my surprise I have gotten a lot of messages. Mostly nice and supportive ones and I thank everyone for their kind comments! I also got lots of questions about what my ‘next steps’ will be and ‘what are you going to change’.

I can be short on that.

For now I have no ‘next steps’ planned, nor ‘changes’. Katya built a wonderful community and a great support Team and I see, for now, no reason to fix what ain’t broken!

Sure times will change and things will happen, but we will see it when it is needed. We have a great group of bloggers and a dedicated Team behind the scenes and I am confident we will be able to continue to give each-other support, help, have fun and all of that which we had the past years!

So that’s whatskeburt (Dutch slang for ‘wtf happened!’) in my SL.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. owldragonash says:

    Right on Cait! Congrats! Iam sure you will handle it all well you are a pro!

  2. landacrystal says:

    I thank you for accepting the position and keeping us organized!

  3. Aww thank you so much Owl and Landa :)

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