Tierra de Fuego

Last week I saw pictures of a new airport on Tierra de Fuego, owned by Ash, and today went to visit and explore it! Tierra de Fuego is an Adult sim, and besides the airport it is the home of a club called “The Gagged Bear” and a questionable looking motel…

In the desert you will find a (messy, hehe) landing strip, with an aircraft that has had some ..err…issues…and a huge plane  just taking off. There are hangars and buildings and it all looks amazing! You can rezz, autoreturn is 30 mins, but I am not sure this airport is actually meant for flying-rp. It is however a wonderful, fun, location to explore and for pictures!

Tierra de Fuego - I Tierra de Fuego - II Tierra de Fuego - III Tierra de Fuego - V

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  1. I went there just this week myself, after seeing some weeks of other visitors posting photos. Like you say, it is a nice place to go for taking some photos. Also to be mentioned perhaps, is that you can skydive from off the top of a series of large shipping containers stacked on top of each other sky-high; and you can enjoy a relaxing inner tube ride in a swimming pool atop the very large nuclear plant smoke stack. The small restaurant at the airport is very nice too! I have 5 photos taken in the area posted here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dahliajayaramtravels/12397504583/

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