Done gardening (for now!)

In real-life I do not have a garden. I have had one or two, ages ago and always like working in them. Specially in spring, getting new plants and flowers and being busy out in the fresh air.

In Second Life I always enjoy keeping up with the seasons on our sim, ImperiuM Island (G), and after the snow and winter-period, I was really looking forward to this weekend: getting ImperiuM Island ready for spring!

I found lovely long grass and flowerpatches at Heart Garden Center, so after shopping I started re-arranging the plants and trees. Oh, and I moved some mountains! I’ve been busy almost all weekend and for now I will stop…am sure I will tweak some more the coming weeks, it’s never perfect enough!

This photo I took in a new spot, there used to be a mountain range in this corner…For the rest? Well, you are welcome to drop by anytime and walk around!

ImperiuM Island - Mainhall in background

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