Party at the Cave

Originally posted on What the Huck?:
Tuesday 31 January – one week from today – will be the final day of WAARHEID: The Exhibition. To celebrate its six week run, there will be a ‘final weekend’ party in the cave set on Friday 27 January at 4pm SLT. All are invited. LANDMARK. This takes you…

Dear Nico – ‘Shame, shame, shame’

Hello dear readers! It has been a while since my last contribution to this blog, my apologies. It’s not that I haven’t received any letters from you, on the contrary. My absence had to to with an unfortunate incident involving a scrub bucket, hair dye and a crossbow. I might get into that story some…

Back to the office

Once upon a time, before the year 2020, it was not unusual to have a day job that required you to leave your home and go to an office to work. Sounds crazy, right?But it is true, working has not always been sitting in your sweatpants behind a laptop at the kitchen table, while you…

STÖMOL, what a journey it was!

When Huck asked me to pose for a ‘short video clip he had in mind’, in February 2019, we could never have imagined it would turn out in a full feature-length movie complete with a private premiere, an interview in Second Life’s Live Talk-show ‘Lab Gab’ with Strawberry Linden, and interview in Eclipse Magazine ánd…

Our talk at Lab Gab and a BIG STÖMOL event next week!

This evening Huckleberry Hax and I were invited to Second Life’s Live Talkshow ‘Lab Gab’, to talk about STÖMOL with Strawberry Linden. It was quite an experience, I had never been on a livestreamed talkshow before and I was super excited. Before we started Strawberry did a soundcheck and it appeared I was producing a…

Stömol backstage, more behind the scenes!

If you follow me, or Stömol movie director Huckleberry Hax, on social media you may have seen the reveal of the official movie poster as well as a new preview video-clip aired on NewWorldNotes earlier this week! Yes, the premiere is coming close – if all goes well and to plan, the release will take…

Stömol: Official trailer released

Originally posted on What the Huck?:
The official trailer for Stömol got its debut on New World Notes this week. Long-term SL commentator and author, Wagner James Au, described the movie there as “among the most ambitious Second Life-related projects I’ve seen in years.” If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out below or…

Fairefolk are Party-Peeps!

Did you know the Fairefolk, the residents of the Fantasy Faire,  are actually really hardcore party-peeps? They will not end a day without a party and dancing, and that is why the Faire Chylde is such a great place. Docked at Kakushi Pasu – the home of the Literary Festival – this Dragon borne ship…