Tempelhof Hafen

The past days I have been suffering a mild case of ‘bloggers block’. Occasionally it happens and usually – as in this case – it disappears within a few days. I did some exploring though, and saw some really nice places but when having this ‘blockage’ even changing a windlight for a nice pic is too much effort and fiddling with shadows is just ‘meh’.

Tempelhof Hafen - V
I am never too bothered when I lack inspiration and so I spent the past days dancing, shopping and even got us a new skyhome (which will mean a week of torture getting it decorated, but that is a another story!).

Now…back to blogging! When I saw pictures on Flickr by Darkyn Dover, from some rusty submarines..I knew I had to kick my own butt and go for it, as this looked so cool! And it is! Tempelhof Hafen (Adult)  is a desolated town and as the description of the group says: ‘Once a highly fashionable coastal resort – now run down and waiting for better times to come.  Come see what’s left, explore – and take part in great live-events.’

Tempelhof Hafen - I

The eyecatcher, and what brought me here in the first place, is the harbour (Hafen), the boats, the submarines and great atmosphere it has. For the pictures in this blog I used the region’s Windlight and only played a bit with the position of the sun.
It is a great sim to explore, walking around, and enjoy the details. There are some shops and residential homes (which I did not enter) and a photogenic place for photoshoots or just to enjoy!

Tempelhof Hafen - II

More pictures on my Flickr, as I could not stop snapping around!

Tempelhof Hafen als has a website and google+ page

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